Sunday, March 22, 2015


Ada yang tau Breathalyzer? Kalo peminum harus tau. Yes, peminum di garis bawahi karena bukan pemabuk.

Breathalyzer adalah suatu alat pengukur alkohol, alat itu sering digunakan aparat kepolisian di luar negeri untuk menentukan apakah seseorang dalam keadaan mabuk atau tidak. Breathalyzer mempunyai bentuk kurang lebih seperti pengendali jarak jauh dengan pipa diatasnya atau disamping, yang harus dilakukan hanya meniup pipa itu, lalu di layar alat tersebut akan muncul apakah anda dalam kategori mabuk atau tidak.

Hubungannya breathalyzer dengan diabetes adalah alat breathalyzer itu mempunyai keterkaitan antara glukosa darah dan kadar aseton dalam napas seseorang, ketika digunakan untuk pasien diabetes yang mana alat tersebut menggunakan lembaran yang terdiri dari dua polimer, baik dalam merespons aseton setelah itu muncul seberapa kadar gula dalam darah pasien.

Yang mana alat itu pada saat ini masih tetap diteliti, kemungkinan pada tahun 2014 atau 2015 sudah bisa disebar luas dan dapat digunakan oleh pasien diabetes. Kelebihan dengan menggunakan alat ini adalah, murah, mudah didapat, tidak perlu lagi merasa sakit karena jari harus ditusuk tusuk dengan jarum, dan lebih efektif dalam membaca kadar gula dalam darah.kekurangan dengan menggunakan alat ini adalah, apapun yang pasien diabetes santap sebelum menggunakan alat ini akan mempengaruhi pembacaan kadar gula dalam darah.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

24 Tattooed Seniors Answer The Question: “What Will It Look Like In 40 Years?”

1. When deciding to get a tattoo, it’s hard not to think about what your piece will look like when you get older.

When deciding to get a tattoo, it's hard not to think about what your piece will look like when you get older.
Will it look cool or uncool?

2. But doesn’t this look awesome?

But doesn't this look awesome?
Your grandkids would never think you were a dork.

3. And this?

And this?
So sexy.

4. And a face like this?

And a face like this?
Flickr / Carey Gough
Not your average grandpa.

5. And this neck?

And this neck?
Her neck piece brings all the boys to the yard.

6. Carrying your art with you can bring so much confidence.

Carrying your art with you can bring so much confidence.
Because you’ve made a commitment to these symbols.

7. Chest tattoos will look baller.

Chest tattoos will look baller.
Exhibit A.

8. So baller.

So baller.
Exhibit B.

9. And sure, there are all those warnings about getting tattoos…

And sure, there are all those warnings about getting tattoos...
So many fears.

10. Like that they’ll get saggy.

Like that they'll get saggy.
No sagging here.

11. Or you’ll tire of them.

Or you'll tire of them.

12. There’s also the question of how you’ll ever look professional again?

There's also the question of how you'll ever look professional again?
But you get to decide when you show them off and when you cover them up.

13. You’ll always look so effortlessly awesome.

You'll always look so effortlessly awesome.
Can we be friends?

14. And no one will ever pick a fight with you.

And no one will ever pick a fight with you.
Even if you’re the sweetest old person ever, they still won’t mess.

15. And sleeves will always look beautiful.

And sleeves will always look beautiful.
So striking.

16. And you can cover full-body pieces when you want to.

And you can cover full-body pieces when you want to.
That’s what clothes are for.

17. And those pieces that you loved when you were younger…

And those pieces that you loved when you were younger...
Maybe they had significance to you or maybe you just thought they looked awesome.

18. They’ll grow older with you…

They'll grow older with you...
Those vibrant colors, tho.

19. And maybe you’ll add to them or take them away when the time feels right…

And maybe you'll add to them or take them away when the time feels right...
Because their meaning is always evolving.

20. But they’ll always be a part of you.

But they'll always be a part of you.
Hang out with me, please.

21. So badass.

So badass.
Like, next-level badassery.

22. So, if you’re thinking about getting a tattoo…

So, if you're thinking about getting a tattoo...
And you’re wondering what it’ll look like when you’re old…

23. Just do it.

Just do it.

24. These guys look awesome.

These guys look awesome.
Repost from: Buzzfeed!